Za godzine wreszcie wystartuje. Pogoda typowa w kraju owiec - wieczna jesien. Pada, wieje i nie zapowiada sie nic innego. Najwazniejsze, ze zaczyna sie przygoda, na ktora czekalem przez ostatnie kilka miesiecy.
Dziekuje wszystkim, ktorzy znalezli pare groszy aby wesprzec zakup psa - przewodnika dla Pani Zuzanny. Dzieki Wam chce sie zyc i dzialac tak aby pomoc innym bez przymusu, bez walki. Ot dla samego poczucia, ze zrobilo sie cos dobrego.
Do zobaczenia w Polsce!
I will start the journey in one hour. The weather is typical for the sheep country - neverending autumn. It is raining, windy and nothing else is going to appear. The most important is that starts the adventue I have been waiting for last few months. I want to thank you all who found a few pennies to support a buying a guide dog for Miss Zuzanna. Thanks to you all there is a will for living and working to help the others without a compulskion and a fight. Just for the feeling that something good has been done. Goodbye Wales!
I will start the journey in one hour. The weather is typical for the sheep country - neverending autumn. It is raining, windy and nothing else is going to appear. The most important is that starts the adventue I have been waiting for last few months. I want to thank you all who found a few pennies to support a buying a guide dog for Miss Zuzanna. Thanks to you all there is a will for living and working to help the others without a compulskion and a fight. Just for the feeling that something good has been done. Goodbye Wales!
Trzymam kciuki, bardzo!
OdpowiedzUsuńJa także:)POWODZENIA:) Bezpiecznej jazdy no i dobrej pogody:)
OdpowiedzUsuńPowodzenia Marcin, Żagań zawsze otwarty ! Zapraszam !!!
OdpowiedzUsuńTomek H.